Food You Can (and Cannot) Eat with Veneers 

Wonder how to make your dental veneers last as long as possible? 

You need to follow a few simple rules: 

  • Maintain good oral hygiene 
  • Get regular professional cleanings 
  • See your dentist every six months 
  • Don't use your teeth as tools
  • Wear a nightguard if you grind your teeth 
  • Pay more attention to the food you are eating 

While most of these rules are pretty straightforward, a lot of our patients need more details when we tell them that their diet can influence the lifespan of their veneers. 

So, here's what you can and cannot eat with veneers. 

Food You Can Eat with Veneers 

  • Soft and easy-to-chew foods like cooked vegetables, eggs, pasta, soft bread, rice, and so on.
  • Lean proteins like fish, chicken, and tofu are excellent choices.
  • Cheese, yogurt, milk, and other dairy products are usually fine to consume.
  • You can eat most fruits and veggies with veneers. To be on the safe side, cut them into small pieces before eating to avoid any excessive pressure on your veneers.

Foods You Can't Eat with Veneers 

Here are some foods it's best to avoid to prevent damaging your veneers:

  • Hard Foods: Foods that are hard and require significant biting pressure can potentially damage your veneers. This includes things like hard candies, nuts, and hard bread. You should also avoid biting into hard fruits and veggies like apples, carrots, or hard peaches. As we already mentioned, you should cut them into smaller pieces before eating.
  • Sticky Foods: Very sticky foods can pull at your veneers and cause them to become dislodged. Try to stay away from sticky candies like caramel and toffee.
  • Chewy Foods: Similar to sticky foods, excessively chewy foods like steaks or candies can also put a strain on veneers. 
  • Highly Pigmented Foods and Beverages: While these don't damage the veneers per se, they can stain them over time. Coffee, tea, red wine, and certain fruits like blueberries can have this effect on your teeth. We're not suggesting you cut them off your menu, especially since things like blueberries are filled with vitamins and antioxidants. But, make sure to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with water after consuming them.
  • Very Hot or Very Cold Foods: While these will not necessarily affect your veneers, they can create discomfort, especially if you are experiencing sensitivity after getting your veneers. Keep in mind, though, that this sensitivity usually decreases over time.

Can I Get Veneers? 

If you don't have veneers yet but are interested in this cosmetic dental treatment, Dr. Jen Kirwan can help you find out if it's the right procedure for you. Veneers can help treat a variety of dental issues, like stained teeth, gaps between teeth, cracks, chips, and even some minor misalignments. 

So, get in touch with The Smile Centré and let us transform your smile. 

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